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Lower Garden Maintenance Costs, Go Green

Lowering your garden maintenance costs will mean that you will need to do some sacrifices in terms of design. The trick with gardens is to maintain a sustainable design for the majority of the year and splurge on your designs during special occasions. Read on for more information on how to further decrease the maintenance costs of your home garden.

Don’t go all in all year round

As mentioned above, you should use sustainable designs all year round and just add some extra features if there are special occasions. Home gardens generally serve two purposes; to make the inhabitants of a home relaxed and to be a place to welcome guests during special occasions. You could use solar powered garden lights for days that don’t require too much lighting at night. Because special occasions are far in between, your garden must use designs that are not too costly when there are no special occasions. After all, the owner will not be able to relax in it if it costs too much to maintain.

Use designs that are easy to maintain but elegant

The ease in maintaining a home garden is also important to consider when you are planning for design ideas. There are designs and materials like solar garden lights, which will not require too much effort to maintain but are still elegant looking. One way of doing this is by using a theme. Some common themes used in gardens are Japanese Zen gardens and modern gardens designs. These themes can be made more dramatic at night using solar powered outdoor lights.

Choose the right kinds of plants

When choosing the plants for a garden, make sure that the plants are fit to survive the weather of the location for a garden. Plants will do everything in their power to survive in any climate but that doesn’t mean that you can use any plants anywhere. Using out of place plants for a specific weather will make those plants difficult to maintain. If they die, replacing them will also increase the maintenance cost which is what we are trying to avoid. Plants that are suited for the environment will be less difficult to maintain except for trimming them to the right shape.

Make the natural parts stand out, not the artificial ones

When thinking of what areas to highlight in your garden, make sure to avoid highlighting areas that are artificial and difficult to maintain. If you neglect maintenance in these areas, their unnatural features will show. Instead highlight natural areas or you could use the natural features like plants and rocks to hide the flaws of the artificial parts of the garden.